Wafer Type Check Valves
Some of the most common areas of application are hot water plants, plants for water and waste water treatment, boilers and supply systems, energy pipe systems and process equipment for the chemical and petrochemical industries

Type ZRK and ZRL-HG wafer type swing check valves – used most commonly in pipe systems for industrial applications of all kinds. These wafer type swing check valves are virtually maintenance free

The valves type ZRD dual plate check valve is the most universal check valve among the nonreturn valves. It is available in a broad spectrum of nominal diameters and nominal pressures.

Tank Bottom Valves and Bottom Outlet Valves
Cone model
The valves type BA and BAS bottom valves − cone model
The Type BA bottom valve cone opens into the container. Only the spindle remains in the housing. In addition to the drive power, the container interior pressure helps in sealing the valve tightly.

Piston model
The valves type BV and BVS bottom valves − piston model
Type BV piston valves as a rule open into the valve and therefore keep the entire cross section of the housing open. Furthermore, it is possible to use the piston to break through a crust and then open into the valve.

Sampling systems
Depending on the safety requirements, installation situation, medium, operating conditions and degree of automation, certain solutions can be made available that are matched to the given criteria in a individual way. Efficiency is a must in any case.
Sampling valves in cone and in piston:
Type BAP sampling valves has been designed as the cost efficient container sampling option from DN 25 on. In this case the cone opens into the container.
A sampling valve from the product range Type BVP operates with a piston. The entire line diameter can be cleared by the return of the piston. Good sample dosing is made possible with a crank or a hand wheel, in contrast to a ball valve

EPOS sampling systems

Sampling Valves, Tank Bottom Valves
RITAG has designed valve type solutions that have been developed for Clean-In-Place (CIP) cleaning approaches: