The choice of the type of installation and its modules depends on the specific operating environment being carried out by the Taprogge design office.
Taprogge installation consists of:
- the basic module consists of 3 parts :
- balls injection
- stainer section
- recirculating unit with control system
- the option additionnally:
- Remote monitoring – the operator has the immediate benefis with Taprogge ‘s application know- how witout incurring travel costs
- BRM – Ball Recirculation Monitor – ball circulation monitoring
- BEM – Ball Effectivness Monitor – ball oversize and the balls effectiveness monitoring system
- Ball sorter -claining balls are measured as to their oversize . Balls witout oversize are eliminated from the circuit.
- CMS – Condenser Monitoring System – provides evidence of altered condenser conditions ( early warning system)
The information obtained allows us to evaluate the heat exchanger condition.
Cleaning balls are introduced into the cooling water pipe by the ball injection in the heat exchanger inlet area. The flow of water results their distribution in the cooling water and moving them through the cooling tubes while cleaning.
After passing through the condenser tubes, the balls are separated from the water stream by stainer section arranged in the cooling water outlet and re-transported to the cooling water inlet by a ball recirculation pump in the recirculation unit, Than, they are re-injected into the circuit by injection.
This process is repeated. To ensure long-term cleaning performance, the quantity of balls in the circuit is adjusted so that, there are 12 full cycles per hour in each cooling tube. It is possible to program it through the BRM monitoring system.
Cooling water contains impurities that can accumulate on the screens. The strainer section is designed as backwash type. Backwash is starting depending on the degree of fouling and according to pre-set time intervals.
To avoid ball loses, all cleaning ball are circulating in the cooling water circuit are cought in the ball collector before the start of the screnn back-wash.
Only then the screens moved in backwash position and passed by the cooling water from the rear side. Fouling is detached from the screens and removed to the water flow. Balls circulation starts again.
W zależności od stanu fizycznego rurek chłodzących, kulki czyszczące ścierają się w różnym stopniu, wskutek czego należy, co pewien czas, wymieniać je na nowe. Szacuje się, że przy dobrym stanie rur należy taki proces przeprowadzać co 4 tygodnie. Określenie średnicy rurek, oraz konieczności ich wymiany możliwe jest też ręcznie, za pomocą skalibrowanego sita, lub automatycznie za pomocą systemu monitoringu stanu kulek – BEM.
Aby wyjąć kulki z obiegu, należy uruchomić procedurę wychwytywania. Kulki zostają wymienione, a następnie uruchomiony proces stałego czyszczenia.
Depending on the tube condition , the cleaning balls are subject to stresses of different levels. Before they are worn down to the same diameter as the cooling tube they must be replaced by a fresh ball charge.
The ball life tiome is approx. 4 weeks.
Optionnaly the BEM EfficiencyMonitoriing System is to applied.