
Rubber – sponge cleaning beads are the basis of Taprogge cleaning systems and are suitable for any type of cooling water systems to 80 ° C.

Balls selection

Istotne parametry do prawidłowego doboru kulek to: materiał rur chłodzących, geometria rur, prędkość i temperatura wody oraz biologia i skład chemiczny wody, jak również dane hydrauliczne i konstrukcyjne instalacji .

Important parameters for the right balls selection are: type of cooling water tube material, pipe geometry, water velocity and temperature and water biology and chemical composition  as well as hydraulic and design  data of the installed system.

Balls type

Standard range of balls in diameters from  14 till  44 mm.
The different tube material  tend to typical appearances of fouling, scaling and corrosion.

Ball  types respond to those  appearances by their material properties and coating.


Balls Nomenclature

27 – S 16 0 – 3

27- nominal ball diameter  (mm)  depends on  pipe diameter  and cooling watwer velocity. Often 1-3 mm biggest than pipe wall diameter.

S – ball type

16 – ball recipe no. 16
0 – fiels of tolerance  27-28mm
3 – hardness degree  (elasticity) 3 normal

Ball type Ball recipey Fiel of tolerance Hardness


G – plastic granulate ball 11 – green 1 standard 1 soft
L – long life ball 13 – orange 1 special balls 2 soft/ normal
P – polishing ball 15 – brown 2 special balls 3 normal
R – ring coated corundum ball 16 – dark blue 4 normal/hard
S – sponge ball 20 – blue 5 hard
T – totally coated corundum ball 22 – red 6 extra hard
30 – light brown

cleaning frequency

With  stainless steel  and titanium tubes has average cleaning frequency of 12 cleaning balls per hour and tube.

Ball distribution

The distribution is influenced by the ball distribution in the cooling water inlet pipe, the flow conditions in the waterboxes and especially by the properties of the Taprogge balls

Ball lifetime

Essential factor of the ball  lifetime are:  tube roughness, degree of fouling of the tubes , and type of fouling.  The gegree of waer of cleaning balls fluctuates between a few days and approx.  4  weeks.